Talk to a medical expert 24/7 by phone or video.
Start My 7-Day Free TrialJust $14.99/mo after trial. Risk-free. Cancel any time.
One myDOCTORplan™ Telemedicine Program includes your ENTIRE household, ages 2 and up with no consultation fees!
Members have access to prescription drug savings that can be between 15% to 60% off the retail price of generic drugs and 10% to 25% off the retail price of brand name drugs at over 68,000 participating pharmacies nationwide.
14 day money back guarantee. No questions asked!
Review some of our most frequently asked questions.
You and your household get 24/7 access to certified doctors via phone or video consultation. What’s even better, There’s no consultation fee! Just follow the instructions in your membership welcome email to take advantage of this convenient service. This plan is great for people who lead a busy lifestyle or live in remote areas.
You will receive a welcome email with instructions on how to access the telemedicine service as well as a digital copy of your prescription discount card.
Once you purchase the plan, your membership card will entitle you to all of the savings and privileges of the myDOCTORplan. As a member, you have access to prescription drug savings between 15% to 60% off the retail price of generic drugs and 10% to 25% off the retail price of brand name drugs at over 68,000 participating pharmacies nationwide.
This plan is not insurance and is not intended to replace health insurance. You do not have to have an insurance policy to use the myDOCTORplan™ program.
Get up to date information on new health discoveries, COVID-19 updates and telemedince advancements.